这款长款西装背心采用公主线条,V领和夹克领设计,优雅别致。 这款多功能的单品非常适合与裙子或裤子搭配,打造精致的办公室造型,也可使用豪华面料缝制,提升晚装效果。 采用西装面料制作,内衬设计,舒适度倍增。 胸围舒适度调整:12厘米,腰围:12厘米,臀围:5厘米。
织物 | 服装用织物, 衬里 |
有弹性 | 否 |
我的尺码需要多少布料? |
The pattern will be emailed to the address you mention upon checkout. You can also download the free pattern preview files and the instructions, and use the online yardage tool online after the purchase. No paper printouts will be mailed. Every change in size or format consistutes a new order and must be paid separately.