My chic jean dress.

姓名 My chic jean dress.
状态 已完成
开始 2021-7-25
完成 2021-7-27
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 What an amazing dress pattern.Modifications that i made:
1)shortened the bottom yoke in 6 cm( to make it mini)
2)took in the back of the dress in 2 cm(to make it even slimmer on my body)
3)i made a bodice fully lined to have a more structured and taylored look.
Fabric that i used-thick denim with no stretch.


  • KiraTF

    thank you:)

  • Monique Rozendal

    Lovely dress!! Suits very well

  • Jane

    Beautiful dress, lovely fabric, great fit, it really suits you!!

  • KiraTF

    Ирина Чуйкова;спасибо большое мне очень приятно

  • KiraTF

    merci beaucoup Etienne!!!


    Très jolie robe qui vous va très bien.

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    Вам очень идет! Симпатично получилось.

  • KiraTF

    thank you Guta!Its a wonderful pattern.So chic and an expensive looking.I just need to take a better pictures to show what it deserves.

  • Guta

    Очень красиво. Вы обратили мое внимание на эту выкроку