The Red Dress

Nom The Red Dress
Statut complet
Début 21 juil. 2021
Complet 21 juil. 2021
Progression 100 %
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Notes I fell in love with this pattern the second I saw it. Only the sleeves... I think they are a bit boring for this rather fancy dress. So I decided to use pattern
#5374 instead (the first time I dared to combine two patterns and it worked out quite nicely!).

I did some slight further amendments, too; the neckline was a bit low and so the "breast section" extended over my waist and looked silly, so I had to shorten the bodice part. However, I have a rather short upper body and high waist and breasts, so maybe the pattern fits perfectly for others... anyway this left me with the problem that I could not figure out how to amend the lining to fit the amended bodice so I just used bias tape and got rid of the lining.

I used red cotton satin for this dress, which looks very elegant. My boyfriend said it reminded him of the woman in the red dress in Matrix which I take as a compliment - nerdy but nice ;) But I had to make it a bit less elegant in order to be actually able to wear it in real life and so I added some hand embroidery to the waist section and bias tape and a few plastic buttons and I think it adds a nice touch of summer feeling to the dress.

The bow is just a pin that I took from another dress. And I used my beloved lace zipper; it is quite easy to sew on and is a nice eye-catcher (yes, I am still afraid of zippers... but I definitely get better).

I hope, you like my new dress, I definitely do!

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