Slå om bluse

Naam Slå om bluse
Status afgerond
Gestart 18 jun. 2021
Afgerond 18 jun. 2021
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Notities I am very pleased with the result of this wrap-around blouse. But unfortunately it has a flaw, it sits too tight around the upper arms. So I can not use it.
Now I have a gift for one of my friends with thin upper arms.

Gebruikers opmerkingen

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    Your lucky friend will be proud of her blouse!

  • Bodil

    Mange tak.

  • désirée boutault

    le resultat est tres joli quand meme

  • Jane Riebe

    Very nice. I don't have particularly large upper arms and have found that Lekala patterns seem to run tight in the upper arm.