Hots with the spots

Название Hots with the spots
Статус закончен
Дата начала 10 июня 2021 г.
Дата окончания 11 июня 2021 г.
Статус 100 %
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Заметки This is such a simple pattern and I had just enough awesome cotton sateen fabric in my stash from Spotlight in Taree (my favourite ever Spotlight), that I made another Lekala dress, but left off the sleeve flounces as there was not enough fabric for those. Happy as fabric had been sitting looking pleadingly at me for a couple of years, now it is another lovely dress.

I modified the pattern to make it look more like the picture, as the picture doesn't actually match the pattern too well

Комментарии пользователей

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    Both of your dresses are cute. Isn't it great when we found a little treasure in our own stash!