"Sexy librarian" skirt

Naam "Sexy librarian" skirt
Status afgerond
Gestart 26 mei 2021
Afgerond 25 mei 2021
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Notities Nice pattern! I love the style lines. I made it in cheap polyester suiting and drafted a lining. I think the flare is a little extreme; it might be better in a drapier fabric. It's hemmed with iron-on seam binding, which also contributes to the flare.

However much I like this style in the abstract though, it's really not for me. Doesn't fit my lifestyle, and too sexy. More importantly, no pockets. I tried to add pockets in the front seams but (as someone wiser than me could have predicted) they gaped horribly because it's a tight skirt--you can see that in the second photo. So I sewed the pockets shut so you all can see how it looks as designed--much better. I'm beginning to think pockets in a fitted skirt are inherently problematic: slash or yoke pockets wouldn't gape, but if you put anything in them it would stick out.

Fit notes: I seem to have gained weight since I made this, so it's a little too tight. I doubled the width of the yoke, to make the skirt longer. I am petite and pear shaped. I wonder if that affects the proportions of the flare?

Gebruikers opmerkingen

  • Maria

    Thank you for posting this really helpful review, your skirt looks lovely but definitely not for pockets!