
Name Blue-Sky
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 10.02.2021
Abgeschlossen 24.02.2021
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich


  • héloïse bonis


  • Icebeauty

    Very beautiful dress!

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    И платье хорошо пошито и модель в прекрасной форме! Хорошая работа!

  • Maria

    A beautiful dress, fantastic fit and a lovely colour - the drape of this fabric looks perfect for this style.

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    This dress looks perfect on you! Bravo!

  • JdT

    Hello my dear, beautiful make, congratulations. Neckline is decorative already, beautiful drape. What fabric you used?

  • désirée boutault

    Tres belle réalisation dans un tres beau tissu et qui vous va à ravir

  • Dorota

    Thank you for your nice compliments :-)
    The material I used is suede

  • Jane Riebe

    Simply beautiful! You could dress it up with jewelry or a scarf.

  • Guta

    Очень хоршо лежит на тебе. Отличная работа.