New project

Nom New project
Statut complet
Début 21 janv. 2021
Complet 24 janv. 2021
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • JdT

    Thank you for the explanation! Do you always take standard size or the personal measurements on lekala?

  • Michele Pretorius

    Wow you did a fantastic job!

  • Guta

    Thanks everyone for the comments. I am very tall and thin. I took the standard size slightly larger than mine and just changed my height. The pattern fit me very well, but I had to sew a little on the sides and shoulders. The first time I sewed on someone else's patterns and I really liked it ????????

  • Guta

    Спасибо всем за коментарии. Я очень высокая и худая. Я взяла стандартный размер чуть больше своего и только поменяла рост. Выкройка подошла мне очень хорошо но пришлось немного ушить по бокам и в плечах. Я первый раз шила по чужим лекалам и мне очень понравилось????????

  • JdT

    Beautiful result! You are very talented. How did you find the pattern fit? Is it a tailored coat?

  • Marca Barone

    Bel lavoro e bello pure indossato, complimenti.

  • Maria

    A lovely coat, with a splendid lining - beautiful!

  • Newenka

    Nice that you have put on the jacket, so the model looks great. You have made a very nice jacket that you can be proud of.

  • Guta

    Merci beaucoup

  • désirée boutault

    tres beau manteau j'aime beaucoup le choix de la doublure qui le rend moins classique Bravo