A tank for Zara

姓名 A tank for Zara
状态 已完成
开始 2021-1-12
完成 2021-1-14
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 An SOS from one of my grown up twins. She wanted a tank top with quite shaped arm openings but was not able to get home for a fitting.
Lekala to the rescue!

I chose this pattern and fiddled with the neck and arm shapes (see photos) I also cut a wide binding and used my cover stitch to apply it.

Her twin sister (who is a little smaller ) modelled it for photos and it should be perfect.

PS trousers are McCall's 9293 OOP


  • Ирина Чуйкова

    Маечка получилась симпатичной. Стыки обтачек лучше размещать у бокового и плечевого шва. А в целом все хорошо и вы красотка!

  • Newenka

    Nice top and goes well with the pants. Mom is always a lifesaver!

  • Maria

    Great job, the armhole modifications look to have worked well and the binding gives a very professional looking finish.
    Zara should be pleased with this!

  • désirée boutault

    bon travail