Bird blouse

Name Bird blouse
Status finished
Started 2020/10/07
Completed 2020/10/07
Progress 0 %
Privacy public
Notes This style looks simple - but it is definitely not one for a beginner! Quite a few tricky construction issues, particularly the attachment of the neckband.

The sleeves are drafted in an unusually tapered shape, way too tight at the hem (would not fit on the freearm of my sewing machine for hemming). I considered shortening the sleeves and adding a wider cuff to correct this, but decided to add godets to the underarm seams - this solved the problem. The gathered front section is actually quite narrow, not like the illustration, and looks a bit silly. If I make this again I may add in a wider lower front section with a few more gathers to it.

The first time I have printed off, cut and stuck the pattern and made a garment all in the same day. This fabric is a Liberty Tana Lawn cotton, very fine light fabric which was lovely to sew.

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