4994 black dress

Name 4994 black dress
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 17.09.2020
Abgeschlossen 24.09.2020
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen I love this pattern.
Too bad, fabric proved awkward so I had to change it a couple of times. I left out one specialty which I try to do it on another fabric. Also, I had to leave sleeves out of the dress would have become too tight. I added up to 2.5 cm more side seam allowance to the pattern but nevertheless the dress was going to become too small even though it is flexible. However, the back was too loose again. The pleats helped with that.
I would have done a trial version but I don’t have a suitable stretch fabric for it.


  • Mirja Liehunen

    Thanks to all of you. I fell in love with the fabric because it also has a pattern. But when it started working, it could just as suddenly unravel small threads from anywhere. It also makes marvelous bags which luckily got ironed out.

  • Monique Rozendal

    It really looks good!

  • désirée boutault

    Au final la robe semble bien et vous va bien c'est l'essentiel

  • Maria

    This fits well and looks good without sleeves (I order my patterns with an extra 2cm added to my upper arm measurement, as I don't feel comfortable with tight sleeves).
    Quite an elegant "LBD"!!!