New project

姓名 New project
状态 已完成
开始 2020-9-16
进度 0 %
隐私 公开
笔记 Add seams/A4
Height: 163.00 cm
Bust: 115.00 cm
Underbust: 90.00 cm
Waist: 90.00 cm
Hip: 110.00 cm
Full hip: 113.00 cm
Neck: 37 cm
Upper arm: 38 cm
Waist height: low
Upper arm circumference: big

third attempt and there are still problems with the sleeves.
They're too tight.


  • JdT

    If you don’t say it is not comfortable I would not tell it. It looks like it fits you nicely. I like also your color choice. Nice job

  • Catlady Tannie

    Bodil, it is a pity that the sleeves are too tight, but I think the jacket and skirt look very neat and you have done a great job.