Vincent van Gogh-dress

Name Vincent van Gogh-dress
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 09.09.2020
Abgeschlossen 12.09.2020
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen The fabric is a "panel" after a painting from the Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh.
Made as a gift for an American friend.


  • Jaeckel Jaeckel

    Bel hommage à Vincent Van Gogh.

  • désirée boutault

    le tissu est magnifique et bien mis en valeur par ce genre de modele de robe

  • Maria

    This fabric is stunning, and the simplicity of this style shows it off very effectively.
    I am sure your friend will love it!

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Lovely dress and fabric.

  • Jane Riebe

    Such a nice gift! The fabric is truly unique.

  • Jane Riebe

    Such a nice gift! The fabric is truly unique.