red safari dress

Name red safari dress
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 09.09.2020
Abgeschlossen 09.09.2020
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen This was the most difficult pattern for dress for me I have ever sewn; but maybe it was because of little elasticity of fabric I used, and of course because of lack of experience with such dresses. It took me 3/4 of year to finish it.
It has very deep decolletage, I wear undershirt beneath. I had to reduce width of "skirt" part to look as in the foto (it was too wide).


  • Jaeckel Jaeckel

    Très joli et classe. Je reprends le commentaire de Désirée en rajoutant, ainsi que les boutons noirs.

  • Jaeckel Jaeckel

    Très joli et classe. Je reprends le commentaire de Désirée en rajoutant, ainsi que les boutons noirs.

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Beautifully sewn.

  • désirée boutault

    Le résultat est tres sympa et la ceinture noire est un plus qui agrémente la robe

  • Tannie

    I agree with Maria and I like colors better than black clothes.

  • mirka v

    thank you Maria for your nice comments :)

  • Maria

    Lovely dress, this colour suits you very well!