Denim dress

Name Denim dress
Status finished
Started Aug 26, 2020
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes Of course I do not wear the zipper closed to the top this was only to show the neckline properly. I made the skirt length 4 cm longer for my height of 1.70 meter.

The dress is made of a light stretch denim fabric. I would definitely recommend making this dress out of good stretchy fabric otherwise it would be hard for you to get in.

The white stitching is made with extra thick yarn.

I let the block zipper run to the skirt.

Tip: pay close attention to your height because the skirt length is short!

Users Comments

  • Tannie

    Thank you Carolyn for your positive response. I've been making clothes for some years now, so I've already worked with a lot of material, but sometimes make mistakes. In doing so one learns, we say in the Netherlands.

  • Carolyn Begg

    This is such a lovely fabric and perfect for this dress. I love the little birds. The neckline is amazing. Very accurate. You have done a beautiful job. Thanks for the tips. I would love to try this pattern one day.

  • Carolyn Begg

    This is such a lovely fabric and perfect for this dress. I love the little birds. The neckline is amazing. Very accurate. You have done a beautiful job. Thanks for the tips. I would love to try this pattern one day.

  • Tannie

    Thanks Maria there is a lot more to come (lol).

  • Maria

    Lovely dress, thank you for the tips too.
    You have been very busy recently, producing lots of beautiful things!

  • Tannie

    Jane and Desiree, thank you very much for your nice comments!

  • désirée boutault

    Tres jolie robe avec de jolis détails de finitions et merci pour les conseils sur la longueur

  • Jane Riebe

    I love your fabric choice. Your workmanship is excellent, as usual. The top-stitching is perfect. I'm sure everyone appreciates your tips on fabric choice and skirt length. Looking forward to seeing your next project.

  • Tannie

    Michelle, thank you for your compliment.

  • Michele Pretorius

    You dress looks lovely!