Jardin du Monet dress

Nome Jardin du Monet dress
Stato finito
Iniziato 17/ago/2020
Completato 18/ago/2020
Progresso 100 %
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Note I thought this style looked interesting, so decided to try it out. This was probably because the weather was hot, but since I made the dress it seems too cold and rainy to wear it!
I had some printed stretch fabric left over from a few years ago, which was just enough to cut the main section of this dress. The print is in the Impressionist style, which reminded me of the Monet garden and flower paintings. The strap section is made from some plain brown cotton jersey.
I am very pleased with this dress, as the straps are quite versatile and can be arranged in different ways. The "double twist" illustrated on the pattern diagram is rather bulky, I prefer a simple crossover, secured with a narrow tie made from the jersey fabric. The sides/upper edge of the dress are easily over-stretched, so I had to stabilise these by threading narrow elastic through the casing formed by folding over and stitching down the upper edge of the dress.
This dress is straightforward to construct, but definitely needs extra stability along the upper side edges.

Commenti degli utenti

  • TigerLilja

    You look great - well suited dress, and beautiful fabric

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    Вполне симпатично получилось!

  • Jaeckel Jaeckel

    Thanks you for the information.

  • Jaeckel Jaeckel

    Joli et belle manipulation du tissu.

  • Mirja Liehunen

    The dress looks really good on you. It is beautifull.

  • Catlady Tannie

    Very special dress Maria and the fabric is beautiful and looks great on you. The weather is currently against wearing this dress, but hope for a nice autumn for you. I actually did not understand how to make that neck, but you did this job well!