Bloomsbury dress

姓名 Bloomsbury dress
状态 已完成
开始 2020-7-24
完成 2020-7-29
进度 0 %
隐私 公开
笔记 This pattern is such a nice one, and so comfortable to wear, that I have made another version. This is a medium weight cotton (I think it is a craft/quilting weight) from the Liberty "Bloomsbury Collection", which uses prints from the 1930's. Lining is a plain white Egyptian Cotton (Empress Mills). The navy blue trimming is bias tape cut from some polka dot fabric I was given in the early 1980's, which I never knew what to make with - I cut the bias strips so the fabric showing on the finished dress did not have the white polka dots on it, very pleased to make use of something from my old fabric stash!
Dress is a little creased on my pictures, I had been wearing it all day.
Made from 2m of 115cm fabric, which was enough to also cut a 10cm hem facing.


  • Michele Pretorius

    Beautiful dress Maria. Do you think I can get away without lining the dress? Is so so hot here in Botswana. Maybe I can use bias binding to finish the armholes? Thank you

  • Michele Pretorius

    I truly love your dress!

  • Andrea

    This is such a nice dress! And the dark blue highlights you added give it the little extra. Just wonderful, I love it!

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    симпатичное платье получилось.

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    This is a lovely dress all the way! I love your "vintage" fabric!

  • Belbora

    Very nice, love the colours

  • Tannie

    Is a very nice dress and especially the neck in the front and how it falls behind is beautiful and the dress suits you very well.

  • désirée boutault

    tres jolie robe l ajout du de la garniture bleue est super bien choisi