dark green dess

Nome dark green dess
Stato finito
Iniziato 15/giu/2020
Completato 15/giu/2020
Progresso 100 %
Riservatezza pubblico
Note I made changes to this dress in order to reduce décolletage. I lengthen the parts D, G and F (from décolletage side) by 2 CM.

Commenti degli utenti

  • Maria

    This is really elegant, I think the neckline is now perfect - good job!

  • mirka v

    JdR, thank you. I added detailed foto for measures:)
    I did not use lining at all, because the fabric is not transparent. it is non elastic fabric suitable for costumes. But if your fabric needs lining, I think only the skirt part needs it.

  • JdT

    Nice one! I want to make this too! How did you reduce décolleté by lengthening parts? I am not sure I understand this. Thank you.
    Also. Did you make lining, if so, do you recommend lining the entire dress or just the skirt part?

  • mirka v

    thank you very much :)

  • désirée boutault

    tres jolie robe j'aime beaucoup le décolleté et l'encolure