Bell sleeve jacket 4114

Name Bell sleeve jacket 4114
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 01.05.2020
Abgeschlossen 08.05.2020
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen May 5th 2020. I thought this looked like it would be easy!!! I am finding it very difficult. But I am determined to finish it. I have never lined anything before so I have spent hours on the internet researching how to do it. I’m getting there and it is nearly finished.
I am using a grey and black striped wool fabric because we are coming into winter now. I am lining it with black Bemsilk from Spotlight, which, I discovered, melts under a hot iron.
Also I discovered that the darts on the pattern are upside down if they are to be pressed towards the hem.
The instructions say to use the same pattern pieces for the jacket and for the lining. After much thought I figured out that I would have to remove the front and back facings from the lining pattern. Then I thought I had better read lots of online tutorials to learn what to do before I made a terrible mistake. I am so glad I did. But I still made lots of mistakes, but nothing that couldn't be unpicked.
The jacket is coming together well at last and I hope to finish it in the next couple of days.
8th May. Finished. And it fits. And it was a nightmare for me, not being a very experienced seamstress. I hemmed the sleeves and when I turned it the right way out the sleeves were all in a tangle. Lots more research and lots more unpicking. Finally I got it right and sewed the whole jacket together only to find I hadn't secured the hems. More unpicking. This was a real learning curve but it's finished.
24th May. I learned so much making this jacket. I was forced to research how to do it and I think it was all worth it. (Now that it's finished!)
And I do love those crazy sleeves


  • Zeneva Kovic

    Well done on persevering! It looks great. I have this pattern and keep meaning to make it. I'm moving it to the top of my pile. Thank you for sharing. :)

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    Миленько! Вам очень идет.