Green scuba dress

Name Green scuba dress
Status in Bearbeitung
Gestartet 19.03.2020
Abgeschlossen 19.03.2020
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich


  • Monique Rozendal

    Beautiful!! This dress I want to have also. Is it difficult to make?

  • Andrea Phillips

    Those sleeves look fabulous! The dress too, of course. I'm happy you decided to add these gorgeous sleeves.

  • Vianka Valladares

    Thank you! Tannie, no. It was a sleeveless dress. I used the free sleeve pattern.

  • désirée boutault

    tres joli tres chic j'aime beaucoup l'encolure et le tissu

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    What a lovely neckline! I also love the colour. Bravo!

  • Tannie

    Looks nice.
    Is the pattern of the dress also from Lekala?

  • Vianka Valladares

    This was a sleeveless dress and I added this beautiful sleeves!