These are lovely, so pleased for you that they are appreciated!
I have a 3 year old grandson, but his mother doesn't let him wear the things I have made for him, so I had to stop - you enjoy making for your men!
UPDATE: Thank you for all you kind word and support, upon further consideration I'm happy with this pattern, I will be making more of these as my grandson loves them...and now my husband want a pair to fit him lol!
I wonder if you could download instructions for similar style pants, either from the Lekala site or contact Lekala directly about your difficulties? They do respond as I know from experience. I checked out the instructions and you are correct that they are confusing.
I'm am struggling with this pattern, the instructions are confusing due to translation issues and markings are missing from the pattern pieces, and them must be hacked in order to put it together as shown.
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