Ladybird shirt

Name Ladybird shirt
Status finished
Started 2019/04/11
Completed 2019/04/24
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes White cotton fabric with ladybird print. I only had 1m of fabric, so had to cut the sleeves a bit shorter (I added a cuff section to finish them off). I loved the little red buttons, which were small and shiny - a bit like ladybirds.

This is straightforward to construct and is a really nice shape. Very pleased with it!

Users Comments

  • Gail Mitchell

    Oh Maria. I'm so impressed with all the things you have made. I love love this blouse. It's definitely going on my to-do list. Definitely sooner than later.

  • Katharina Frisch

    What a beautiful blouse! It looks great on you!

  • Maria

    Thank you Tannie!

  • Tannie

    You are de first made this blouse and is a beautifull creation !
    It looks very good bravo!