Название | Blue lace dress |
Статус | закончен |
Оценка | |
Дата начала | 03 февр. 2019 г. |
Дата окончания | 02 февр. 2019 г. |
Статус | 100 % |
Доступ | публично |
Заметки | I made this dress out of backed lace fabric that had some stretch to it. The pattern was a bit large and there was too much fabric for the bust so there was quite a lot of fitting to be done. It was a bit challenging to figure out the sewing order without any instructions but I managed it. I didn't use the sleeve pattern since the sleeves would have been too big. I instead borrowed the knit sleeve pattern from the Named Ruska dress from the book Breaking the pattern. |
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Blue lace dress
Платье С Открытыми Плечами - Выкройка #4484 |
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