
Name Coat
Status finished
Started 2019/01/14
Completed 2019/01/19
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes I am very proud of myself, this is the first coat I've made and I love it! The coat is made of dark green wool. The lining is gray with colorful butterflies. Unfortunately, bad light and no help in taking pictures do not reflect the whole effect.

Users Comments

  • Joanna Morawska

    Zeneva Kovic Thank you very much :D

  • Zeneva Kovic

    Looks great. Well done!

  • Joanna Morawska

    Maria I am glad to hear that! Thank you so much!

  • Maria

    I love both of your fabrics, what a beautiful coat - well done!

  • Joanna Morawska

    désirée boutault
    Merci beaucoup!

  • désirée boutault

    tres beau ma,teau avec de belles finitions

  • Joanna Morawska

    Lauren O'Sullivan
    I also was wondering and decided to took a risk - it was worth. i really recommend this pattern. Nobody guessed that i made it myself.

  • Joanna Morawska

    Anne-Marie Dionne
    Thank you very much!

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    Very well done! The top stich looks perfect. Bravo!

  • Lozzatron

    OH I'm so glad you've made this, been trying to decide whether to make it and yours looks fabulous and is super flattering. Well done