Coat for Kash

姓名 Coat for Kash
状态 已完成
开始 2018-12-2
完成 2018-11-9
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 02/12/2018

I'm using a very fussy fabric which frays easily to make this coat so I am zig-zag stitching all of the edges immediately after cutting out.


Both fronts are completed with welt pockets, both backs are cut out and all is sewn together. First try on and the fit is lovely, I'm a bit nervous to see the shoulders sitting quite wide but there is a 5/8" seam allowance and of course it will have pads. It's coming together nicely

One lapel is on as is half of the collar. It’s really starting to take shape now which is exciting

Both sides of the lapel and the collar are on

One of the sleeves was giving me massive bother because the notches were a bit unclear, but after a few unpicks and repositions it's in with head and pad in place. Next is second sleeve (ugh). I had to remove the sleeve button placket because I didn't fit the length to my boyfriend before cutting out and it turns out he has little arms :) He'll have to have a straight sleeve without any features on the cuffs but that's fine.

Both sleeves are done so that’s all for the outer fabric! Now I need to construct and insert the lining

It's completely finished now so I will take some pictures over the weekend to submit to the weekly competition


  • Kate Hallberg

    I hope you can snag it from him so we can see the final collar and front steaming! (2.5 years on ... )

  • Lozzatron

    J'utilise un traducteur pour écrire ceci. Je vous remercie! J'apprécie vraiment le motif et la coupe était magnifique. Les seules modifications à apporter étaient les longueurs des manches. C’est un plaisir de travailler avec! Je vais continuer à mettre à jour les images!

  • désirée boutault

    je comprends pas j'avis ecrit hate de voir la fin qui se presente super bien deja bravo pour ce travail

  • désirée boutault

    hate de voir la fin

  • flopinette BRAU

    Bravo très class