Dress with applique

Name Dress with applique
Status finished
Started 2018/09/08
Completed 2018/09/13
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes This is a nice dress for decoration, colour blocking. It is very fitted and not too flared as some princess seam dresses are.
I chose this as a way to show off the applique. The fabric was not my first choice being a poly cotton blend. My first choise was a much darker tan colour in cotton with a bit of stretch. But I could not use that as I could not get it to stay on the straight of grain. So frustrating.

The facings were interfaced with that fusible flimsy felt stuff that ended up with the consistency of cardboard. I remember now why I swore off that stuff. I just hope that it softens after washing.

for some reason I purchased a zip that was too short. Maybe because the scoop at the back is quite low, but I have to put the dress on over my head. Sigh.

But I think it looks quite nice.

Users Comments

  • Brenda Orchard

    The dress looks lovely, and what a good idea to add applique. I have some plain linen I was thinking of using, This has given my idea to add decoration.

  • Amy Clarke

    Beautiful. And thanks so much for sharing it, it really helps to see what can be done with the pattern.

  • sshelagh

    Thank you for your lovely comments. Despite my trials with this dress (which were my own fault) this is a great pattern.

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    You did a super job on this otherwise simple dress. Very nice! What a lovely colour!

  • désirée boutault

    tres jolie robe sublimée par cette decoration
    tres belle reussite

  • Maria

    This is lovely - what an excellent idea!