Spring Coat

Nom Spring Coat
Statut complet
Début 4 mai 2018
Complet 12 mai 2018
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes Light wool and viscose underlining.
I made a muslin and it didnt fit at all. Shoulders were too sloping a long, but when amended it, I liked this pattern a lot. Short sleeves are nice, however, I know I would be cold in it. Also, I cannot live without pockets :) The last small change was the extension of front parts, that the lower tips will cover each other.

The pattern is easy and jacket comfortable, but shoulders need to be adjusted. The collar looks great.

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • Anne-Marie Dionne

    I love it! This jacket is sporty and classy!

  • JdT

    Wow, this looks so much better than the model! Very nice alterations & details

  • désirée boutault

    les details de finitions de la veste sont tres jolis

  • Dagmar S.

    Thank you Naomi! To choose the buttons usually takes me days, but this time it was easy :)

  • Naomi

    Your jacket looks wonderful! I love the details and the pockets.