Red 2026

Name Red 2026
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 25.02.2015
Abgeschlossen 27.02.2015
Fortschritte 0 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen I used Linen fabric, I wish I hadn't. I should have known better! I wore this dress for most of the day and had been sitting the majority of that time. Crush, crush, and crushed :(
I love the style and will make again, possibly with crepe.
Alterations next version is to add a back seem so I can fit better around the back hip.


  • Lozzatron

    You accept a level of wrinkling with linen, so I don't imagine that the crushing was as bad as it seemed. I really like this, the colour is striking!

  • Ronda Fleming


  • Icebeauty

    Looks great to me! :)