Test Skirt

姓名 Test Skirt
状态 已完成
开始 2017-12-16
完成 2018-1-30
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 I wrote about this project on my blog:

This is a test I did for a pattern by Sewist. The fit is pretty good, sitting nicely on my waist. It did not go all the way to my knee, though, so I had to add a ruffle to give it some extra length. The instructions were clear enough for me, although there was some confusion regarding the zipper. In the description it says that it has a zipper on the left side, and in the instructions it said to sew in the zipper on the left side. However, on the pattern pieces, the back center piece appears to be marked for a zipper. There is a mark and extra seam allowance there; as well, there is extra seam allowance at the center back on the yoke and waistband facing. In addition, although the instructions say to sew the zipper in the left side seam, it also says to sew the side seams of the facing before attaching it to the waistband. So that could use some clarifying there. I sewed the zipper in the back because it made sense to me. Overall, I think it's a pretty nice skirt.


  • Kitty Kaville

    Thank you! I did not line the skirt. The fabric is a little on the stiff side. I honestly don't know what it is; in the store they called it polycron. After some online searching, I'm guessing it may be Trevira polyester. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

  • Maria

    Lovely skirt, the colour is beautiful.
    What fabric did you use, and did you line the skirt?