Fancy Silver Top

Nom Fancy Silver Top
Statut complet
Début 11 nov. 2017
Complet 6 déc. 2017
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes Getting ready for Xmas and New Years Eve. I needed a shiny top that fits with black pants and hoped this pattern and a pleated silver jersey would match.

The top came out very nice, but unfortunately it was much too big for me! So I gave it to my aunt, who is going to wear it :-)

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • JdT

    It looks great on her! I missed your creations nowadays. I am delighted to see you around

  • JdT

    I have the same fabric in pale pink :) I believe you have this problem because this is a loose fit. It might have been designed this loose even though it would look nice smaller. I noticed this too... it might be a question of taste

  • désirée boutault

    le resultat est tres joli quand même surtout avec ce tissu