Lidia's Autumn Coat

Nome Lidia's Autumn Coat
Stato finito
Iniziato 01/ott/2017
Completato 03/ott/2017
Progresso 100 %
Riservatezza pubblico
Note Shiny, metallic, coated French terry from Mood Fabric, LA.
Lined with thin cotton jersey. Metal press studs, hood is lined with organic cotton fleece.

My daughter fell in love with a similar coat so we tracked down the fabric and ordered it from overseas.

I bagged the lining but I think I should have just turned the hem and machine sewed it as it isn't sitting so well.

Knit fabric certainly behaves differently to woven.

Commenti degli utenti

  • Nicole Keller

    Thank you Tannie.

  • Tannie

    Very nice coat!

  • Nicole Keller

    Merci, il n'est pas évident, par la photo, qui est supprime. Un peu confus à coudre.

    Thank you, it is not evident, by the photo, that is removes. A little confusing to sew.

  • désirée boutault

    j'aime beaucoup
    et c''est vrai que la capuche détachable est un plus bravo

  • Nicole Keller

    Please note, hood is detachable, a really great feature.