Название | Rayon shirt |
Статус | закончен |
Оценка | |
Дата начала | 23 авг. 2017 г. |
Дата окончания | 24 сент. 2017 г. |
Статус | 100 % |
Доступ | публично |
Заметки | A flattering fit, and went together nicely. The neckline was bit challenging. I skipped the front waist darts for a looser look. Buttonhole placement is great. My main complaint is the sleeves. The top was very tight and the underarm was floppy and loose. I ended up splitting it from hem to shoulder and adding 1.5 inches wedge. Then I added elastic band all around to pull in the lower part. It saved the project. |
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Rayon shirt
Блузка С Коротким Рукавом - Выкройка #4439 |
Облегающая модель Вытачки Рельефные швы Сборка На пуговицах V-образная горловина Китайский воротник Короткие рукава Втачные рукава No pockets |
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