Quick Summer Stripes

Nom Quick Summer Stripes
Statut complet
Début 9 août 2017
Complet 16 août 2017
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes There's still a cotton jersey with stripes in my stash and I'm intending to use it for a quick summer dress. How would it look like with this patttern and the options for directing the stripes?

Update: The decision is made and the fabric is cut :-)

Update II: I'm not fully satisfied with my choice. Looks a bit like a Roman tunic... Maybe I need a contrasting belt?

Commentaires des utilisateurs

  • JdT

    Hello. Il looks lovely. I believe I have the same belt in blue

  • sshelagh

    Yes definitively looks great with the belt.

  • rosafelsenstadt

    Hi Ladies, thank you for your suggestions acc. the stripes and a belt. I hope you like the result.
    Mille grazie, merci beaucoup, thank you & vielen Dank

  • JdT

    Hello , I like your dress. It doesn't remind me a roman toga. It is true that the wide stripes result unusual but for a summer dress it is totally fine. I could imagine a thin golden belt as a touch of sunshine, or a light corail or light turquoise for summer for example. I can imagine wearing it with any brown sandals for example, even flat ones. Congrats, nice job

  • Eliani Berman

    The stripes are classy if making all vertical, it will need a belt in a sold color. Stripes look good vertical on the lower body and horizontal on the upper body . Particularly good in a curvy shape.

  • désirée boutault

    une petite ceinture agrementera ta robe

  • Cris

    sono le righe in continuo che fanno quell'effetto,si, una cintura che divide
    ci stara' bene

  • Cris

    Allora aspettiamo di vedere l'abito finito

  • désirée boutault

    d'accord avec cristina je choisirai aussi la premiere

  • Cris

    Ciao, io farei il primo in basso a sinistra
    Ho preso anch'io questo cartamodello e non vedo l'ora di iniziarlo,buon lavoro