Romantic Blouse

Название Romantic Blouse
Статус закончен
Дата начала 16 июля 2017 г.
Дата окончания 22 июля 2017 г.
Статус 100 %
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Заметки It's really fun to make this blouse. A wonderful pattern :-)
The only change I made is the slit of the sleeves. I don't think it's appropriate to use the seam as position. I made a cut in the back sleeve and used a bias tape.

Fabric: viscose
Buttons: fabric covered buttons

Комментарии пользователей

  • JdT

    It is still me just changed name. Question, The blazes & skirt is also lekala? the outfit is really lovely. By the way I go check your blog very often! Thank you

  • JdT

    This is going to be wonderful. I love your fabric and this pattern is on my wishlist.