Floral print blouse with collar

Nom Floral print blouse with collar
Statut complet
Début 2 juil. 2017
Complet 17 juil. 2017
Progression 100 %
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Notes I use a floral printed cotton voile fabric, a lightweight summer fabric. It is not transparent I am not lining it. I used white silk for the collar.
Following the instructions I find that the inner seams and finish is not clean so I will have to find out a way to finish seams. I cannot use a lot of bias binding because the fabric is very lightweight and it would effect the fall.
I have used felled seams inside to avoid it frays too much. I used invisible hem and I topstiched the back collar facing. I also hemed the back collar facing to have a clean finish.
No alterations on the pattern. It is a nice pattern, I can recommend it however if we want a nice garment a lot of hand stitching is necessary to hold in place some parts, and also you might want to hem the back collar facing instead of serging as I did because it is quite visible.

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