silky drape fronted blouse

Название silky drape fronted blouse
Статус закончен
Дата начала 26 нояб. 2016 г.
Дата окончания 09 дек. 2016 г.
Статус 100 %
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Заметки I've run into problems with the draping front. The pleated part does not drape correctly when folded.
I've extended the fabric with an exact match in pattern and this seems to sit better. See photos.
I also am having difficulties understanding the instructions. It may be that there is a back lining piece not mentioned in the cutting layouts but seems to be mentioned in the instructions.
I may just ditch the draped front and do the blouse without it. The fabric is fancy enough without it.
9/12/16: As you can see from the photos I left off the draping front. The plain blouse fits so nicely I don't mind. I'll try the pattern again but with a less slippery fabric.

Комментарии пользователей

  • Zeneva Kovic

    I have this exact same fabric sitting with this same pattern ready to start soon!! How funny! So glad you tried it first - I think your version of the straight front looks great - fits so well. I think I may change my choice of fabric for this top and use the fabric for something simpler in design. Thank you for sharing. :)

  • Maria

    This looks really good without the drape, the neater shape shows off the lovely fabric really well (the drapey versions just don't look right, so your modification is a definite improvement). Great job, I shall be voting for this!

  • désirée boutault

    le choix du tissu est superbe
    certains modeles de chez lekala
    ne sont si simples à comprendre