Wild silk shantung sleeveless jacket

姓名 Wild silk shantung sleeveless jacket
状态 已完成
开始 2016-12-5
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 I'm a bit disappointed by this jacket ... I find it a little bit too snug in the back and around the armholes. I should probably have used a fabric containing a bit of elasthanne, as recommended by Lekala. The lining pieces are the same as the outside pieces and I think that this top would have been more confortable if the back lining had included a fold ease.


  • désirée boutault

    je crois qu'il y a des soucis quand un modele a des plis comme cela car j'ai rencontré le m^me probleme avec mon dernier corsage bordeaux bordé de vichy,il a fallu que j'adapte les plis a ma morphologie
    sinon le tissu est tres beau