Cappuccino tulip skirt dress

Название Cappuccino tulip skirt dress
Статус закончен
Дата начала 10 окт. 2016 г.
Дата окончания 15 окт. 2016 г.
Статус 100 %
Доступ публично
Заметки Loved this pattern! I added tulip style sleeves with piping :)

Комментарии пользователей

  • Astrid Herrera

    Thank you Jane, is a very nice pattern, one of my favorites indeed, and enjoy wearing this dress.

  • Jane Riebe

    I love this pattern and am looking forward to making it for myself. You did an excellent job on it and it looks good on you (your model).

  • Astrid Herrera

    Thank you :)

  • Jo Ann Anthony

    That dress really turn out cute. i wasn't sure just from looking at the pattern. but you did a great job!

  • Astrid Herrera

    Merci! :)

  • julie meneghetti

    cette robe est très belle !!!!!!!!

  • Astrid Herrera

    Thanks a lot! :) .. yes, I bought 1.5 meters of dark brown and 50cm of beige. I was left with some extra, so maybe 1-1.25 meters of main fabric will do, depending on your size

  • Zeneva Kovic

    Beautiful! I love your choice of sleeves with your piping detail.
    May I ask, approximately how much fabric did you use?

  • Astrid Herrera

    Vielen Dank

  • Pfaff262

    ganz große Klasse

Платье С Воротником - Выкройка #4414
Облегающая модель Вытачки Отрезное по талии Асимметричная модель На пуговицах Застежка-молния Волан Горловина лодочка Круглая горловина Круглый отложной воротник Короткие рукава Втачные рукава Длина по колено Midi length No pockets