Glenjade blue dress

Nome Glenjade blue dress
Stato finito
Iniziato 15/ago/2016
Completato 18/ago/2016
Progresso 100 %
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Note The second time I have made this one, I love this design. This time made from Liberty Glenjade blue Tana lawn, lined with a plain white cotton. I inserted some blue bias strips to highlight the yoke and midriff seams.

Commenti degli utenti

  • Michele Pretorius

    You inspired me! I just bought this pattern and cant wait to make my dress

  • Mirja Liehunen

    Fits perfectly.

  • Jaeckel Jaeckel

    Nice and good ideas the blue bias.

  • Réka Vanyolai

    Pretty dress!

  • sshelagh

    It's always nice to see patterns made up. I would not have expected the design to be so nice. Lovely fabric and the bias strip highlights are a nice touch.

  • Maria

    Thank you ladies, it is always a pleasure to receive nice comments!

  • Zeneva Kovic

    Another gorgeous dress! Love seeing what you make. Thanks for sharing.

  • Maria O

    I understand you like that dress. It suits you very well. =)