Xanthe Sunbeam dress

Name Xanthe Sunbeam dress
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 05.09.2016
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen Made from Liberty Tana Lawn (pattern Xanthe Sunbeam), which I have had for a couple of years, just waiting for the right project. Pleased with how well the pieces fitted onto only 1.3m fabric! Fully Lined with a pale pink striped stretch woven, only took 1m of lining fabric, instruction did not suggest lining the skirt section, but I feel the full lining gave a better result (mainly because the face fabric was quite lightweight).

The lace detail was easy to apply to the section seams, as the centre front could just be lapped, rather than needing to be mitred. I used just the narrow edge of my lace for the neckline/arm finishes, as the full width did not look right.
