Grey dress with roses. Pattern 4278

Name Grey dress with roses. Pattern 4278
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 20.06.2016
Abgeschlossen 09.08.2016
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen The pattern didn't fit as closely as I would have wanted it to. I remodeled it slightly, to make the bodice more fitted (I took some fabric from the back and added some extra pleats in the neckline (As you can see on the photo's)). I also added a 2nd dress of white cotton as a lining. This 2nd dress is compiled of the bodice of this dress, combined with a simple skirt block that I drew myself.
With these adjustments, I really like the dress!
I also made a matching clutch (see the pictures).


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