Classical dress in cotton sateen

Name Classical dress in cotton sateen
Status finished
Started 2016/07/03
Completed 2016/07/24
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes Used a cotton sateen from Spotlight with a border print.

There was heaps more ease in the pattern than I was expecting; I took out 3cm in the armhole and sleeve head and it was still too big. I added darts in my upper back. I took 3+ cm of fabric out of each side of both front and back pieces down the side seams. I took out ~5cm out of the width of the sleeves and made them finish just below the elbow. But in the end, there was just something about the scales of print and fit that wasn't quite right.

So I chopped it and turned it into a blouse!

Much better now!

Users Comments

  • Zeneva Kovic

    The bold print looks fabulous. Hope you post when it is finished. :)