New project

Nome New project
Stato finito
Iniziato 01/mag/2016
Completato 28/mag/2016
Progresso 100 %
Riservatezza pubblico
Note This was a bit disappointing.

The neckline is a bit funny - it's really high on the back and sides and it looks like it's supposed to gather and drape but it feels a bit fiddly.

The sleeves were too short, as was the body of the top, so I added 10cm wide cuffs and a 10cm band at the bottom of the top to get the length right and add some weight to it.

The top was also too tight through the body and sleeves. I really wish Lekala would say how much stretch knit tops need to have (or let you select that / select ease amount) like Bootstrap does!

It's not perfect, but it's wearable. I'm glad I was able to resuscitate it because I love the colours of the fabric!!

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