Blue dress

Название Blue dress
Статус закончен
Дата начала 10 февр. 2016 г.
Дата окончания
Статус 100 %
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Заметки This dress goes together very easily and the fit is excellent. Made from a dark blue Liberty Tana Lawn with a very small black flower on it (pattern called "Marco") I faced the hem edge with a 5cm facing to add weight to the hem, which worked well. Dress made from only 1.5m fabric - very pleased with that !

Комментарии пользователей

  • Maria

    Merci bien!

  • désirée boutault

    Je viens de voir le modele n°4504 et je le trouve tres jolie ,j'aime beaucoup la couleur bleu
    Désirée BOUTAULT

  • Maria

    Thank you Eena, yes I was pleased with the fit too - it is really comfortable to wear. No, although the dress was made from a fine fabric (cotton lawn), I decided to add just a little weight by facing the hem, but did not line the dress as I felt the wrapped bodice would be too bulky with a lining. Instead I made a separate slip (I did a Craftsy course with Alison Smith on sewing lingerie, and made the vogue slip, a bias cut satin one, from that). This means I can now wear the slip under different dresses, not as "polished" as an integral lining, but a lot quicker!

  • Eena Blowes

    This is lovely and it fits you so well. May I ask if you lined this dress?