New project

Название New project
Статус закончен
Дата начала 18 янв. 2015 г.
Дата окончания 20 янв. 2015 г.
Статус 100 %
Доступ публично
Заметки I made it with a cheap fabric just to try if it really fits me, so it doesn't look perfect. But I will do it like in the picture soon because it fits me perfectly!

Комментарии пользователей

  • Naomi

    Looks pretty nice already! Cant wait to see version 2.

  • yasmin

    thank you very much Mantua, you should try it! the pattern is very understandable and clear, and it fit perfectly!

  • Mantua Maker

    I was hesitant about trying this pattern, but you did a great job. Im going to try it. I see you state newbie... wonderful job newbie. :)

  • yasmin

    thank you very much! I'm not sure about the type of the fabric (because I'm a newbie) :) But i paid a dollar or less for it! :) thanks again!

  • Maria

    perfect fit - looks great!
    what was the fabric?
    well done!

Блузка - Выкройка #4388
Облегающая модель Вытачки Застежка-молния Волан Баска Горловина замочная скважина Китайский воротник Воротник-стойка Длинные рукава Втачные рукава Рукава с манжетами No pockets