Naam 5294
Status afgerond
Gestart 26 okt. 2015
Afgerond 1 nov. 2015
Voortgang 100 %
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Notities Not feeling the love for this pattern. I was disappointed in the final product. It is very baggy. I was surprised as my previous Lekala patterns have fit perfectly. This one is way too roomy and the neck is so big it doesn't stay on the shoulders at all. I am hoping to maybe alter the final product and get a better fit. But this may end up being one I don't keep.

It was easy to sew up. The design idea is great. I love the sleeves and may incorporate those into something else I make in the future.

Gebruikers opmerkingen

  • Maria

    Really helpful advice, thank you for posting this. I hope that you managed to sort this one out ok?