PJ jacket

姓名 PJ jacket
状态 已完成
开始 2015-4-14
完成 2015-4-16
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
笔记 I was a bit disappointed with this pattern.
The jacket is massive across the shoulders and armholes - reminiscent of the worst of the Big 4; of course I don't expect a pyjama jacket to be fitted, but this could benefit from being a little 'closer cut'.
in addition, the instructions seemed to belong to another garment entirely. Fortunately, I'm experienced and the garment's simple, so it wasn't a problem. I do like the way the lapels are faced and then fall open so neatly - in a plain fabric, they would be begging for embellishment. Pretty combinations of plain main fabric/patterned facing and vice-versa could also be constructed with ease.


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