Lekala 4967 Coat Decorative Tab 2

Name Lekala 4967 Coat Decorative Tab 2
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 01.01.2025
Abgeschlossen 03.01.2025
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen Made this model for the wardrobe of my BFF. Different then I made mine, as she liked the plain version. Did not change much: only did skip the decorative tab, as this was what she wanted. Left the length untouched. Did line the coat with seagreen lining (made a pleat at the back in this lining, left the lining hanging loose at the hem). To have at least some defining I made use of piping tape at the collar, nowhere else – as this was her wish.
The pattern is fine and to be advised. Make sure to measure the sleeves, as these at the pattern are far too short!
The model is somewhat laborious, so not to be advised for novices.
I will make his model for myself again, in a different version and outlook.


  • désirée boutault

    Le manteau est super et j'aime bien le motif du tissus qui donne une modernité au modèle BRAVO