2137 Light Softshell raincoat

Name 2137 Light Softshell raincoat
Status finished
Started Jun 1, 2023
Completed Jul 13, 2024
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes From model 2502 to model 2137. Jacket model 2502 turned out to be quite large. At the point when the pocket part failed, I gave up.
However, I didn't want to waste the fabric, so I thought about what I would do with this. I didn't even like the color at first. But as I worked on the jacket, I got used to it.
Well, this model wasn't easy either, mainly because of the fabric. As you can see from the zipper image of that first version. The front pulled really badly. I'm wondering if I can get a zipper for this at all or if I have to resort to snaps. At the point when I had added the front placket, I thought of trying to add a zipper again. And it worked.
Because I wanted to keep the jacket as a light summer jacket, I didn't use a support fabric for the bodice, let alone a lining. I covered the inner seams.
The hood and the actual belt are probably the only changes I made to the model.

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