Lekala 4225 Double-breasted dress

姓名 Lekala 4225 Double-breasted dress
状态 已完成
开始 2023-11-28
完成 2023-12-14
进度 0 %
隐私 公开
笔记 Made this dress as my ‘Dress project’ at school. The fabric is ‘Classic poly’.

Do I like the dress? Yes! It is very classic and stylish. At last no ‘Lady of the manor wardrobe’ item. Especially chose this color, as there is no way this has no place to fit in, but yet stand out at the same time.

Are there things which annoy me? Yes. But of course: this is my personal opinion. First of all: the dress is wide open. And when I write ‘wide open’ I do mean W-I-D-E open! But when I found that out the dress was already cut. So no turning back. Made the dress as it was cut, but underneath I am wearing a lace top (as I am not so brave to be the easter bunny, who throws things around…). Was there any more I did not like? Yes: the suggested buttons: too many buttons to my liking, and too ‘right in your face’: first the buttons do enter the room, followed by the dress, then followed by yourself, whilst I do like all three of us enter at the same time. So for the first time in my career I had buttons ‘upholstered’ (in the same fabric). And used less than the suggested amount. Much -far much- better.

The dress is not complicated to make, that is to say: if you skip the lining (which I didn’t). I did sew the lining in a seam at one side at the front (makes it more ‘sturdy). which made it more difficult to create the hem (hand-sewn).

Dit I alter more? Yes, I created long sleeves, as the fabric of classic poly is not heavyweight (255 g/m²), but it’s color is not so ‘summery’.

I did make use of a zipper at the back, which is null’n void as the front is so wide open.

The pattern is a PDF ‘out of the envelope pattern’, which means that it is ordered to your personal measurements. But always measure your pattern before you cut your fabric, as I had a few that were off mine. This pattern turned out correctly according to my size.

I did work on 3 Lekala projects at the same time: a raincoat, a skirt, and this dress. Simultaneously I juggle with other projects of patterns from other brands (one finished, two in progress). Yes, I am a centipede and I like it. I like different horizons to melt together.


  • Monique Rozendal

    A beautiful project you’ve done!

  • Ирина Чуйкова

    Я бы хотела заметить, что вы конечно старались, платье не такое простое как кажется. Но вам не хватает опыта. Советую подписаться на какой-нибудь телеграмм канал с хитростями по шитью, или на группу в инстаграм по той же тематике, можно искать советы на ю-тубе. Так как процесс шитья на 90% состоит из хитростей и специальных приемов, которые позволяют сделать изделие красивым, хорошо отглаженным, с ровными строчками. На самом деле это очень просто -нужно читать и смотреть советы от опытных мастериц и у вас все круто будет получаться.

  • Lisa1984

    haha, I love your description! The result, with your alterations is very pretty!

  • désirée boutault

    Merci pour ces conseils et le resultat est tres bien meme si j'aurai choisi d'autres boutons ,mais,pas dans le même tissu ,mais c'est juste mon avis